![]() Does total dependence equal zero choice? That is what Dr. Willie Parker would have you believe. In his statement during an interview with Esquire magazine entitled “The Abortion Ministry of Dr. Willie Parker,” Dr. Parker posed the question “that while it [the unborn child] is a life, is it a person? Not by the standards of the law. Is it viable outside the womb? It is not. So this piece of life—remember, sperm is alive, eggs are alive, it’s all life—is still totally dependent on a woman. And that dependence puts it in the domain of her choice. That’s what I embrace.” While his words are not surprising considering he is an OB/GYN who specializes in abortions, his statement of faith is. Dr. Parker says he is a Christian and believes this is what he was called to do following his reading a sermon by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the subject of the Good Samaritan. He said he realized that if he were to show compassion he would have “to act on behalf of those women”. He believes that God tells him to “help another human being in their time of need”; however, in order to help these women he must neglect the life inside them. Dr. Parker summed up his reasons for doing abortion this way, “We who provide abortions do so because our patients need us, and that’s what we are supposed to do: respond to our patients’ needs. It is the deepest level of love that you can have for another person, that you can have compassion for their suffering and you can act to relieve it. That, simply put, is why I provide abortion care.” These words reveal a man who seems to genuinely care for these women; however, another life must suffer in order for this to happen. Though Dr. Parker believes he is doing what is right, it is sad to see how calloused he is towards an innocent life just because it is dependent upon its mother. To devalue a human life simply because it is dependent on another is poor reasoning. Above all others, Christians should understand that dependence is not a bad thing. Believers are to rely on God to meet their needs and to guide them through life. It is not a sign of weakness to depend upon God but rather shows a surrendered and trusting heart. Many people in our world today view dependence as an excuse to remove a life simply because they are in need of help. We fight for the right to life before birth because it is the foundation for the rights of those already born whether they be toddler, adolescent or senior citizen. What Dr. Parker fails to realize is his belief of dependence on another putting them in the domain of another’s choice, can be applied to those with a detrimental disability and the elderly. What if a child decided they didn’t want their parents to live anymore simply because they were a bother? What if a husband or wife no longer wanted to care for their spouse as was the case in 2005 with Terri Schiavo? Since these individuals are now the legal guardian over parent or spouse they have the right to end their life. Often those who are fighting against the rights of those inside the womb unknowingly are preparing the way for the rights of those outside the womb to be stripped as well. Would you join me in praying for Dr. Parker, for God to penetrate his mind with the truth. To be dependent on another is not a lack of freedom to choose, but great responsibility on those to whom the care falls. Also would you consider supporting your local Pregnancy Resource Center's? They are on the front lines fighting for the rights of the born and unborn.
Dee Ann Sagor
1/21/2018 10:02:40 am
Throughout the ages, Satan has used God's Word to convince Christians and certain sin is actually okay. It's really sad, that he can admit that, "it's all life", but still sacrifice one, so the other will be happy. I remember when abortion was the last resort to save a Mother's life, and premature babies, many times, could not survive like they can today because there weren't the resources to do so. But they TRIED! And yes, because of Terri Shiavo, the way is being paved for assisted suicide and euthanasia. It breaks my heart!
Sarah Schurman
1/21/2018 05:49:27 pm
I absolutely agree. Thank you so much for your comment. All we can do is be a light to this dark world and continue to bath it in prayer! Comments are closed.
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Sarah GraceI am just an ordinary girl who is loved by an extraordinary God and I seek to love others the same way. I love to bake, read, do puzzles, watch Hallmark movies, and go shopping with my mom! This blog was created as a place where I could share some thoughts that the Lord has shown me and to be an encouragement to others who desire to know Him in a deeper way. My prayer is to learn to sit still and trust God with my future. Archives
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